Monday, May 11, 2009

Urban "Farming"

Just recently, my mom and I have been toying around with the idea of starting an urban "farming" newsletter. What do you all think?

We've raised goats within city limits for over four years now and have finally "perfected" the art. ;) Well, improved it greatly. We started with two bottle-fed Pygmy goats and still have those two goats along with a Nigerian doe or two at home. Looking into adding a Mini-Mancha doe for more milk supply. . .

We're getting our garden planted - heritage tomatoes, corn, potatoes, squash, cucumbers, and more. Our chickens are doing quite well in their new "penthouse suite". My parents purchased an awesome chicken coop that honestly looks like people could live in it! :)
My mom has been raising 20 some odd chicks. She is raising the majority of them for the Andrew's farm but we are keeping about 5-6 for home. There will also be some available for adoption in about 4 weeks.

I have got to get around to planting our goat's pasture! I keep forgetting and getting sidetracked. . . the grass is growing high in their pasture but I want to put some clover, rye, and wildflowers down.

Well, I guess this post turned into a somewhat rambling of what's been going on here. . . I would honestly like to hear what anyone has to say about an urban farming newsletter. We are very open to suggestions, articles, pictures, etc. . . My mom thinks we should offer classified ads and business card listings for a low fee.


Anna Marie said...

Have any tips for keeping goats inside city limits? I grew up in the county with a herd of alpines, but now I'm living in the city and really missing my goats. And the Nigerians are soooo cute!

I think having an urban farming news letter would be really cool- and I'd love to contribute as a stumbling beginner :)

Jennifer said...

I think now is a great time to start an urban farming newsletter. With the economy and other factors it seems like a lot of people are interested in urban farming! I say go for it!

bArbaroo said...

I would absolutely enjoy an urban farming newsletter - especially if it helped connect Portlanders that work at being self-suffienct in the city - raising food, stock, etc.